Last year, Health Canada released a health warning about Allergan's fibroid, Esmya. (The medication is also known as Fibristal.) According to the warning, this fibroid drug can cause a rare but serious liver injury.
Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous tumors that develop inside, on or in between the layers of your uterus. There are many different fibroid treatment options. One of which was this popular fibroid drug. Until this new injury discovery.
Esmya is an oral medication. It's purpose? Managing some of your fibroid symptoms. Especially heavy bleeding during your period. Before Health Canada's warning, doctors prescribed Esmya w for women who were of child-bearing age. It was meant to help you avoid fibroid surgeries--myomectomy and hysterectomy.
Women who were waiting for surgery and wanted fibroid symptom relief also used Fibristal. While the drug has been widely prescribed in Canada and Europe, the FDA here in the U.S. has declined approval of the drug for use in this country.
After doctors discovered liver injury was possible with this fibroid drug, plans changed. First, doctors decided to limit prescriptions for this fibroid drug. They agreed to only prescribe Fibristal to women with fibroids who wanted to get pregnant.
Even for those women, doctors limited their prescriptions. Women were warned not to refill their fibroid drug. And, of course, women with histories of liver problems couldn't take Fibristal.
Recently, we've seen a new development in the fibroid drug saga. On September 30, manufacturer AbbVie Inc. took Fibristal off the Canadian market. As Houston fibroid specialists, we celebrate this decision. And we're happy to help you find safer fibroid treatment options.
We understand wanting to avoid fibroid surgery. It's a big deal to have a myomectomy (surgical removal of the tumor.) And a bigger deal to get a hysterectomy (removing your entire uterus). Both procedures come with a hospital stay. Not to mention a long recovery.
Even with potentially serious complications, a fibroid drug isn't the solution. That's also true for young women with fibroid symptoms. Want a better choice? In our Houston area office, we provide a minimally-invasive fibroid treatment. Now, it comes with no down time and you can get treatment in our office.
While UFE isn't right for everyone, it's a treatment option worth considering. Especially since it offers a non-medicinal, non-surgical solution for fibroid sufferers. If you're currently investigating fibroid treatment options, be sure to schedule a consultation with Dr. Fox or Dr. Hardee. Then, we'll help you learn whether Uterine Fibroid Embolization is the right option for you.
Sources: Health Canada, Nasdaq
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