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Houston Weather & Safety Information

Posted on August 28, 2017

All office locations will be closed through Thursday, August 31st, while our staff assists with the rescue effort. Keep checking back for updated information:

Donation Drive

We will be putting together a donation drive once we re-open the office.

JJ Watt has organized a fundraising campaign - if you can't help or provide supplies, consider donating: https://www.youcaring.com/victimsofhurricaneharvey-915053

If you are donating to the George R Brown convention center, please separate out and write on the bag clearly what the items are. Separate the female items from the male items. Put shoes in one bag and tie the laces together for each pair so they don't get lost! Put sanitary items in Ziploc bag so it just makes it easier to hand out. They are in desperate need of

  • blankets, pillows and towels
  • Baby food /formula and diapers, bottles, baby wipes
  • Sanitation items - toothbrush & toothpaste, body wash, deodorant
  • Tennis shoes, flip-flops or slippers. Jackets and sweatshirts
  • Medical equipment such as nebulizers and they need pharmaceutical items like Tylenol and Advil, Band-Aids, antibiotic ointments etc.

Please don't donate items such as pots and pans obviously people have no place to use them right now. And please give only gently used items.

Seeking Shelter in Houston

The George R Brown convention center is still accepting people in need of shelter. They are also in need of volunteers and donations. Clothes, shoes, blankets, sleeping bags, diapers, baby formula, non-perishable food, bottled water. People don’t need to go out if it’s dangerous but if they are able to help then please do. If people aren’t able to get to George R Brown then they can go to one of these websites for a list of local shelters.

If people have been flooded then they need to register with FEMA as soon as possible: https://www.disasterassistance.gov

How to call for help if 911 can't respond

911 is being overwhelmed; here are alternatives. Get onto the roof instead of climbing into the attic if there is rising water, then call 911 or the Coast Guard at 281-464-4851, but only if you are in a life-threatening situation. If you feel your life is in danger, you can call one of the numbers below, and wave a towel or sheet to be noticed from the air:

  • 281-464-4851
  • 281-464-4852
  • 281-464-4853
  • 281-464-4854
  • 281-464-4855


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