Do you need period pain relief now? Or do you want to stop period pain? You're not alone! Many women with fibroids suffer from extremely painful periods. But thanks to newly-developed hi-tech patches, special stretching techniques, plus more emerging efforts, theirs and other women’s menstrual pain may finally be a thing of the past.
If you're looking for quick, non-invasive period relief, try these yoga stretches, recently recommended by Dr Alicia Jeffrey-Thomas, a pelvic floor therapist. Her top suggestions? Cycle through Child's pose, Pigeon,
Cat/cow stretches and Spinal circles, before ending with your legs up on the wall. Be sure to hold each pose
for one minute, alternating between five-second inhalations and exhalations.
Now, if you have fibroids, these stretches alone may not offer enough pain relief. But they're certainly worth a try, as are these yoga poses for fibroid relief. But if you need more help, keep reading for more tips on how to help period cramps.
In some cases, adding certain foods can offer period pain relief by helping inflammation or reducing uterine muscle contractions. Adding omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the intensity of your painful period. And you can find this naturally in fish, nuts and seeds.
Next, add leafy greens since they're packed with magnesium, which can lower your prostaglandin levels to reduce cramps. Throw in some vitamin b6-rich poultry to boost your serotonin and dopamine levels. (Both neurotransmitters can help relieve pain.)
Don't forget to fight inflammation with your diet, since that can contribute to period pain. Anything with ginger can be helpful, but additional supplements that are rich in magnesium and zinc can be helpful. Not one to remember a daily vitamin? Not to worry: just grab some dark chocolate, instead. This sweet treat contains magnesium and polyphenols, which reduce inflammation in your body!
Now, make sure you've got enough iron. (Especially if you have heavy periods, since they can lower your iron levels dangerously.) Finally, check your vitamin E, since getting enough can help avoid excessive blood loss during your period.
Since 1970, some women have sought period pain relief from something called a TENS machine. These are wearable devices that generate electric pulses. (Specifically, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, or TENS.) In the past, devices were clunky and clearly visible to passersby. But today's mini-TENS devices may prove to be game changers.
One such devices is the Allay, an ultra-thin patch you wear on your stomach. It pulses 1,000 times a second, delivering a small electric current through a wire loop. That current then produces an undetectable magnetic field into the tissue of your abdomen. The field gets your cells to pump out any excess fluid. And that helps your body fight the bloating, swelling and pain that often accompany your period.
You can wear the patch for five full, 24-hour days before you have to remove it and recharge it's battery. For most women, that will cover the most painful part of your period, although fibroids can also make your period longer and heavier.
Still, in trials, the patch has been shown to reduce women’s pain levels by as much as 70%. That’s a big deal if period pain is dragging you down while you await fibroid treatment.
Two scientists in India developed Matri, a device that attaches to your lower abdomen via two adhesive gel pads. The small device is equipped with wired and wireless connectivity, along with user-friendly buttons to control intensity of micro-pulses that blocks pain signals, providing 2–3 hours of relief. The inventors describe Matri as “a portable, rechargeable, safe, non-invasive and drug-free solution."
Similarly, the Livia is also a wearable patch that targets period pain with electrical pulses. Basically, those pulses seem to distract your central nervous system so it's distracted from pain signals. Plus, it can stimulate your endorphins, which can help fight pain. So it busts your worst cramps in two different ways.
User feedback notes that you have to charge the Livia for 12 hours before use. It can also be a little tricky to place the usable pads in the right spot. (And the $225 price stage may be steep.) But, three separate clinical trials proved it's effectiveness at fighting period pain. So it may be a good option while we wait to see what happens with Allay (see below.) Or while you explore permanent fibroid relief.
Although some women have already tested the effectiveness of Allay, more trials are currently underway. Currently, 60 women who suffer from period pain (dysmenorrhea) are participating in a two-month trial at the University of Birmingham.
The Allay reportedly reduces period pain levels by 31 per cent as soon as the first day you wear it! And 77 % of women wearing the Allay had at least some reduction in period pain. Only 14% of women who used other pain-relief methods experienced relief.
One Canadian company, Somedays, already has a full line of products designed to stop period pain. Currently, they offer four categories of relief products. There are heat and bath products to relieve cramps. And they have topical and edible products that help with muscle recovery which, according to their company's research, helped relieve period pain.
Even better? The Vancouver, Canada-based team keeps testing and trying out new products. So they expect to launch new products this fall. According to founder Lux Perry, “80% of people with having moderate to severe pain during their cycle. That’s like sitting on the sidelines for 10 entire years for some of us. If you believe that people with periods and predominantly women (because this is very much a gender equity issue) deserve to have the opportunity to actively participate in their lives then you believe in our mission.”
Well, Luz, we do believe in your mission. And we know that when your period pain is caused by fibroids, treating your tumors will offer you a more permanent solution to painful menstrual cycles. If you are ready to get started, contact our office and find out if you are a good candidate for our minimally invasive treatment options.
Please contact our dedicated specialists to schedule a consultation today.
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