If you’re exploring different fibroid treatments, you may be dealing with confusion. After all, at one point, removing the entire uterus (hysterectomy) was a woman's only option. But today, that’s far from the case. While we don't know fibroids develop, we do know that some things (such as delaying childbirth, your race or your genetics) can increase risk. And, we know that while these growths may leave you dealing with disruptive symptoms, they aren’t cancerous. So that means that you don’t need to rush through the process of researching your treatment options.
Instead, we suggest taking your time and considering a range of options. These may depend on the size of your fibroids and the severity of your symptoms. Also, we suggest starting with less invasive options and working your way up to more permanent solutions if needed.
Not experiencing fibroid symptoms? Relax and leave them alone (at least for now!)
If your fibroids are small, you may want watch them and wait to see if they become symptomatic, unless you plan on getting pregnant in the near future. But, the important thing to remember is: even if you decide not to treat your fibroids, that’s a decision that should be made after a lengthy discussion with your doctor and your fibroid specialist.
While you may not actively treat your fibroids, you can still take steps to help keep prevent tumor growth. The biggest lifestyle changes you can make to fight fibroids involve your diet and exercise. Again, while we don’t know exactly why fibroids form, we do know that estrogen can impact fibroid development. Which means that women with fibroids should balance their estrogen levels, and one key way to do so is by maintaining a healthy body weight.
Often, this can be achieved by following a balanced, healthy diet, full of fruits and veggies, and void of fatty foods—especially red meats. Regular exercise can also help you lose a few pounds. Plus, some studies suggest that exercise can help minimize your fibroid symptoms, even if it doesn’t lead to weight loss, or even if you’re already at your ideal weight.
Some hormone-based drugs can help manage your fibroids symptoms. They may even shrink existing tumors.
Certain drugs work by blocking your body’s natural hormone production, causing your fibroids to shrink, and stopping many of the worst fibroid symptoms, like long, heavy periods, pain in your pelvis, and the frequent need to pee. Unfortunately, these meds may replace fibroid symptoms with side effects that mimic menopause, which can be equally unpleasant, and force you to start taking more drugs to manage the new symptoms. That was the case for former ER star Julianna Margulies, who, at 28, was put on Lupron—and experienced medically-induced menopause—in order to manage her fibroid symptoms. She told Women’s Health, “I would be on the set of ER and I would literally sweat all my makeup off. The night sweats were to the point where I would have to change my sheets, put towels down, change my pajamas. I could not believe what I was in store for." Given her negative experience, she decided to change her diet and manage her fibroid growth and symptoms with less disruptive treatments.
Now, rather than entering menopause, some women may choose to use hormonal birth control to manage fibroid symptoms. But, while they may give you relief from heavy periods, they won’t do anything to shrink your fibroids, and your symptoms will likely return if you stop taking the contraceptives.
This procedure, also known as uterine fibroid embolization, is what we provide in our Houston fibroid clinic. With UFE, we shrink your fibroids by cutting off their blood supply. To begin, we insert a catheter through your wrist, and inject it with tiny particles to reduce blood flow to the fibroids. The procedure comes with a moderate recovery period, and is typically performed on an outpatient basis.
As interventional radiologists, we believe in UFE as one of the best fibroid treatments because it is less invasive and more cost effective than surgery. UFE also leaves women dealing with fewer complications than a surgical procedure, while providing equal or greater symptom relief. While safe for most women, it’s not for everyone, so it’s important to review your candidacy with a specialist.
In some cases, women may elect to surgically remove their fibroids with a procedure called a myomectomy. And, in extreme cases, they may need a hysterectomy (complete removal of the uterus.) But many women can avoid invasive surgeries—which come with hospital stays, extended recoveries and, especially with hysterectomy, long-term complications—by starting their treatment journey using one of the less invasive fibroid treatment reviewed above. Not sure which option is best for you? Request a consultation at one of our five Houston-area fibroid centers. When you come in, we can review your candidacy for UFE and discuss your ideal treatment options.
Sources: The Daily Monitor
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